inside stand meaning in Chinese
- In the grass on the inside stood a bottle , empty
在里面的草地上放着一个空瓶子。 - The effort , three stars electronics that pass many years rely ons to borrow the outstanding design with the dvd market that the creative technique is already to increase in the china high speed the competition inside stand firmed the heeled . three stars electronics the determination pass a series of and positive market to expand with promote sales the activity to strongly expand the dvd to broadcast the on the chinese market , and promote the three stars electronics in this core in china brand on the market image .
“通过多年的努力,三星电子凭借出色的设计和创新的技术已经在中国高速增长的dvd市场竞争中站稳了脚跟。三星电子决心通过一系列积极的市场开拓和促销活动在中国市场上大力推广dvd播放器,提升三星电子在中国这个核心市场上的品牌形象。 ”